40 pounds lost and now pregnant. hmmm. what now?

I have had good luck with weight loss and I am pretty happy with my current weight. my 39th birthday was yesterday and I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I fairly recently had 2 miscarriages so I'm concerned about this pregnancy. I'm also concerned for me and my health. anyone else struggling with pregnancy and diet at the same time? I'm not looking to lose weight I'm not even looking to stay the same. I want to gain weight gradually like I'm supposed to for pregnancy. anybody need a partner during this journey?


  • This is something you need to discuss with you OBGYN or CNM not strangers on the internet.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I should have read your whole post. There are lots of groups. I had several MFP buddies pregnant at once. They have since all delivered though so I couldn't suggest anyone. I was done having babies a long time ago, but I still wish you the best of luck.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    We have a group on MFP called fit, fabulous and pregnant. All of us are in the same boat about wanting to stay active/healthy in pregnancy and to gain the right amount depending on our pre-pregnancy weight/BMI . NOTHING wrong with that. I don't recall you mentioning wanting to lose weight in pregnancy but stating that you are happy with your weight loss. Consult with your doctor of course although they probably won't see you until you are further along. Here is a link to a weight gain calculator that I find very useful...it takes into effect your pre-pregnancy weight/BMI to determine what you should gain:


    Feel free to join our group and/or add me. I am also 39 and preggers with baby #3.....who is also my rainbow baby :)
  • FaitheSoler
    FaitheSoler Posts: 107 Member
    This is something you need to discuss with you OBGYN or CNM not strangers on the internet.

    She not looking for answers just a buddy going through the same thing just wrong place to post this subject..
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Yes, she needs to also include her OB/GYN in some of the questions, but can't she have a friend on this site going through pregnancy at the same time? Goodness!

    OP, I have a friend that is on here that's in the same boat. I'll see if she's interested in this post. Congrats!!!
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    She's asking for support....geez. I personally have a few people on my friends list that were faithful in logging while preggers. Two of them carrying twins. You're going to gain weight...BUT, you can still be healthy while doing so. Definitely talk to the doctors about caloric intake. I think reaching out to others on here that may be pregnant is a FANTASTIC resource! Best of luck to you on this incredible journey.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Get to the doctor ASAP. Best of luck to you. Meanwhile, eat healthfully and try to end any bad habits you have like excessive caffeine, etc. Don't take any kind of diet pills, supplements, etc. until you can see your doctor, other than maybe buying a bottle of pre-natal vitamins. Take Care.

    eta: at 44 years old with two children in their 20's, I hope I am never looking for pregnancy friends, lol :wink: but I do hope you find some
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    While I'm not an OBGYN not a CNM, I am a nurse. You need to see your OBGYN and go over your plan. You are considered a " high risk pregnancy" You can still eat healthy during your pregnancy. I found pregnancy can be a natural fat burner if you are eating right. Good Luck with this pregnancy and CALL YOUR DR ASAP!!!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Definitely talk to your Obgyn, and congrats on your pregnancy. I hope this thread brings you a good partner.
  • Denisse210
    Denisse210 Posts: 292 Member
    This is something you need to discuss with you OBGYN or CNM not strangers on the internet.

    :noway: ^^^ some people should just not speak
  • MyseriMapleleaf
    MyseriMapleleaf Posts: 81 Member
    Kalah7Renae12V is a friend here on MFP she has lost (140?) and is pregnant. Look her up :)
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    We have a group on MFP called fit, fabulous and pregnant. All of us are in the same boat about wanting to stay active/healthy in pregnancy and to gain the right amount depending on our pre-pregnancy weight/BMI . NOTHING wrong with that. I don't recall you mentioning wanting to lose weight in pregnancy but stating that you are happy with your weight loss. Consult with your doctor of course although they probably won't see you until you are further along. Here is a link to a weight gain calculator that I find very useful...it takes into effect your pre-pregnancy weight/BMI to determine what you should gain:


    Feel free to join our group and/or add me. I am also 39 and preggers with baby #3.....who is also my rainbow baby :)

    ^ I was just going to say I saw this group maybe worth checking out :smile:
  • Jenn_Lyn1102
    Jenn_Lyn1102 Posts: 219 Member
    This is something you need to discuss with you OBGYN or CNM not strangers on the internet.

    :noway: ^^^ some people should just not speak

    Amen^^^ :noway:
  • I'm pretty sure she is smart enough to go the doctor... she's not asking for medical advice, shes looking for buddies in the same situation.

    you can definitely eat healthy and workout while pregnant. I hope you are able to find some buddies! Congrats by the way, good luck with everything.
  • Yes, she needs to also include her OB/GYN in some of the questions, but can't she have a friend on this site going through pregnancy at the same time? Goodness!

    OP, I have a friend that is on here that's in the same boat. I'll see if she's interested in this post. Congrats!!!

    Aah thankyou beautiful :)

    Hi I'm steph, I've also just lost over 40lbs and am also pregnant again. Completely unexpected!! I'm looking to maintain my weight as best I can. I'm also 10 weeks pregnant now :)
    Add me if you like beautiful, we can both do this!!
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    Just wanted to say congratulations!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I was a member of the fit fabulous and pregnant with my last pregnancy I delivered back in Dec. My advice is talk to your doctor about a referral to a nutritionist. I did this and they outlined a meal plan for me. Its not a diet it was just a way to look at food differently and how many calories I needed to eat to be healthy for me and baby. They even gave me meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. The amount of food seemed enormous to me and sometimes I didn't meet my calorie goals but it let me know how much protein, carbs, veg, fruit to eat during the days and it was simple and easy to follow and since I cook for my family it was with foods they would eat too and I didn't have to shop for two different meals. I had a healthy baby girl back in Dec. and she is growing like a weed I wish I had known about this meal plan when I had my first child. I only gained 7lbs (which is normal for me and my size) your doctor will tell you how much they want you to gain. I ended up coming out of the hospital 20lbs lighter so I was better off than when I started. I still logged everyday and exercised when I could. I was only able to walk and not fast I had some bleeding issues with exercise so I had to take it easy, but everyone is different. Even 8 months later I still follow the meal plan I just dropped the amount of calories since I do not need the extra anymore because I wasn't able to breastfeed.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    This is something you need to discuss with you OBGYN or CNM not strangers on the internet.

    :noway: ^^^ some people should just not speak

    Amen^^^ :noway:

    AGREED!!! Some people are just so freakin rude with the way they say things! It won't kill anyone to be nice! WOW!:noway:
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    This is something you need to discuss with you OBGYN or CNM not strangers on the internet.

    She not looking for answers just a buddy going through the same thing just wrong place to post this subject..

    Yeah, seriously! She's just looking for someone to relate to. Sheesh. That first quote just seems.....cold.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Happy 39th and happy baby on the way. Sorry for your previous loss'. Hope all goes well this time.

    Eat lots of healthy things, like you have been (Or I assume you have been) Keep exercise consistent with what you've been doing, don't increase it. Of course you'll talk to your OBGYN.

    I had two babies while in my 40's. It rocks. Actually my second was a lot easier pregnancy on me physically.

    Good luck.