Not new...just back again!

On again off again. Back in January A1c was 14. Eyesight was starting to bother me again. Hadn't had my diabetes meds in months. I began realizing I was heading back to the Hospital w DKA. Saw my doc and he says, "you've lost weight before, exercised and gotten off insulin... What's the problem?" I realized I always felt like I could get off the meds forever AND everytime I get stressed, I eat whatever and gain the weight. He gave me 1 month to make a change. I dove in. IF OMAD, running, weights, med taking, tracking and showed him results. Recognized I have ADHD and he gave me meds to conquer. Here I am, 5 months later, 40lbs lighter, fasting glucose<100 for 4 months, 4 pants size down, 10 pounds from ONEderland, BP NORMAL for first time in decades. I've realized that meds will always be there and so will some form of exercise and diet. Worked through a stressful work situation using exercise. Y'all I think I can do it! I'm going to get there and STAY there. I realize mistakes are part of it and I won't beat myself up. This is the LIFESTYLE. Thank you to all who've helped in one way or another.


  • BeYourBestSelfDeb
    BeYourBestSelfDeb Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome back and so proud and happy for you. Wow an A1C of 14, I can only imagine how you must have been feeling. Glad your doing so much better now.

    I too have type 2 diabetes. I have a new Dr and his goal to go get me off insulin and help me succeed at my weight loss goal. I was on 300 nits of insulin a day and now I am below 80. My Dr said the insulin was holding me back from losing weight. So we shall see.

    I hope we can be friends and I hope you keep encouraged and never allow yourself to give up on your health and well being. You are worthy of a happy, healthy life.
    God bless you