expressing milk/calories and weight loss

Sullybear87 Posts: 5 Member
Hi all am after some advice, I am 11 weeks post baby and am exclusively expressing breast milk for him,I average around 25-30 ounces a day for him.
I am looking to lose around 8kg of baby weight.
how many calories should I aim for? pre baby I was very active went to the gym did 5-10,0000 steps a day however with a newborn still feeding 2 hourly atm it's hard to exercise/go for walks but I am going to try to get some HIIT workouts in a few times a week.
I am 5'7.
I am worried about dropping too low as I do not want it to affect my milk supply,I read that expressing milk burns around 20 calories per ounce.
thank you


  • SwimBikeRun_Mom
    SwimBikeRun_Mom Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there! I honestly would try not to count calories right now. I breastfed for a year, and I can tell you that I lost weight without any "real" exercise (just walking, etc.) I would focus more on just making sure that you're getting enough high fiber whole grains, veggies, and fruit, and lots of water to keep your milk supply strong. The rest of the weight will start to come off on it's own - although it can certainly be slow, but that's what you want right now anyway while pumping. Hang in there - you're doing GREAT!!
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