Calorie Counting

StayPositive82 Posts: 3 Member
MFP says I should be at about 1750 calories per day but I am still super hungry even after having that allowance. It is definitely not boredom eating, my stomach is growling and I feel hungry. I have a somewhat active job where I do walk a lot but I also have periods of sitting.

I am noticing my weight is not changing so I assume I'm eating enough calories to maintain my weight instead of losing weight because I can never stick to my 1750 calories a day due to still being hungry.

I meet or get very close to meeting all of my nutrients (fat, protein and carbs) so I don't think it's anything to do with that.

I'm kind of lost on what to do. How do you get over still being hungry even after having all your calories for the day?


  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    Hi @StayPositive82 I recently returned to MFP after more than 5 years of being off. I haven’t had this problem recently but I remember struggling with it back in the day. I noticed that I wasn’t drinking nearly enough water back then. If I recall correctly you should aim to drink about as many ounces as you weigh which can be a struggle to get in the habit of but once you start logging and drinking it regularly it helps. Diet is important too, try not to consume too many sugars & avoid those empty calories. If those don’t help I’m not sure what to advise, I’m back after letting myself go so I’m certainly not an expert. It looks like there are discussion groups outside of this challenges section that might be more helpful to you but I haven’t explored them yet. Best of luck on your journey.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    Hunger is a 'funny' thing, it correlates very loosely with how much you're eating, and furthermore it's very individual.
    Some strategies you can try:
    - eating more high volume lower calorie foods such as vegetables, and less of calorie dense low volume foods
    - avoid drinks with calories - fat don't fill you up as much
    - getting a different macro split - MFP's recommendation is one that is okay for most, but certainly not mandatory for weight loss. Try increasing your protein intake and/or lowering your carb intake, some people find that helpful
    - play around with meal timings - fewer but larger meals, or on the other end of the spectrum having smaller more frequent meals, or even intermittent fasting. Personally, I'm more hungry when I have breakfast and snacks, and I need larger main meals to stay satiated, so the sometimes recommended strategy of 5 to 6 smaller meals a day is horrible for me.

    If the change to 1750 calories is recent and way lower than you're used to, you might just need some time to get used to it.