First time using online community & tools

3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
edited January 14 in Introduce Yourself
Hello to everyone. My name is Evelyn. It may be my first time using online tools for losing weight but it's not my first rodeo. I've actually lost over 100 lbs. twice before but never succeeded in maintaining. Gained it again and plus some. The losing part is not the issue. Neither is exercising once I start. I realize that both times previously were not done in a manner that was condusive to maintaining. Eating one way to lose but not in a way to eat forever. I've learned a lot from the other times. The old saying "Insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting a different result" is so true. This time I'm eating to lose the same way I plan on maintaining the weight loss for life. Each time before took a year but this time I'm 10 years older than the last time so I'm sure it'll take longer now. Also I'm retired now so while I have more time, I find I'm nowhere near as active. Too much time on my hands and living in an apartment now makes for a lazy person here. Since covid hit and I got laid off I developed sciatic issues along with piriformis inflamation. Because of the pain I wasn't able to walk for about a year and 1/2. Now that those issues have been dealt with I'm dealing with severely tightened psoas muscles (also known as hip flexors). Because of this issue I have trouble walking. I'm working on this now and hoping to start walking and working out again. One thing at a time. I hope to gain more knowledge and support from this community. I look forward to lerning from you all. Thank you.

Quote: It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop.
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