Looking for a few friends too

Hey there. I am also looking to add some people to my support network. I've gone looking thru the previous threads but will admit it ends up being overwhelming trying to find people to add who might match who/where I am at. Profiles are often closed until you add them so you have to base it on their picture and comment in the thread.

I am not in my early twenties or a retiree. I do not have tons to lose (only 35-40lbs). I do not have a baby belly to shed. I am not trying to lose pounds for my wedding. Or because my doc told me I had to in order to live. I am not interested in following people with bad or unhealthy eating habits. (I unfriended someone whose diary literally scared me.) So what do I want?

1. People who log on regularly because following your updates and seeing your comments makes my logging in enjoyable and motivating.
2. People who are in and around their 30's or if younger, at least have the maturity level to interact successfully with a stick in the mud like myself. Older is fine too, I just got overwhelmed trying to figure out if I should send that request to the 60 yr old menopausal woman or not; whether either of us would get any value from the request.
3. People who are comfortable in their own skin and are just trying to get to the best version of themselves- not to skinny or ripped.
4. People who are ok sharing their diary, their successes and their failures. People who are sincere.
5. People who are nice. No negative people need apply. You can challenge my poor choices out of concern but I will unfriend anyone who attacks me or tries to put me down.

I am gluten-free for those who care, but otherwise my plan for success is just eating healthy portions and moderate exercise. I aim to log on at least 5 days a week, and do weekend catch up on Mondays. I will try to comment on your walls and encourage when I can and I wouldnt mind the same in return. I've been up and down with these 40 lbs I'd like to lose so really my focus is on the accountability and community, not gaining the tools.

Add me if you are looking to expand your circle and think we might mesh. Thanks!!!


  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    I'm early twenties but I'll add you anyway :) I'm always down to give advice, motivate and help out in any other ways that I can, and I log on pretty regularly