New with 20 lbs to lose. (5’1” so that’s a lot for my height)

Hi I’m a 52 year old full time working mom with two kids. I’ve used MFP before and like a lot of things in life: it works when you work it. However it’s very easy to NOT work it. So I’m here (again) and committed to losing these 20 lbs that have been weighing me down for the last ~10 years.

(The extra chins alone are embarrassing, not to mention the health implications.)

I started really focusing on working out about four months ago and LOVE it! I’ve grown stronger and really enjoy working up a serious sweat. So this piece of the puzzle is in place. (FYI I use “Team Body Project” workout videos online. Very effective and fun. Also affordable. Highly recommend.)

The piece that’s causing me issues is FOOD and in particular sticking to a healthy plan and NOT snacking at night!!

As a working mom I have zero time to myself all day — from the moment I wake up. At night, once everyone’s asleep it’s “my time.” This is when I will snack and consume at least 300-500 calories of cookies, crackers, you name it.

Anyway, I am hoping that I can find the strength to kick these 20 annoying lbs to the curb so I can feel better in my body.

Thanks for listening.