Any teachers or paraprofessionals here?

kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
I have two interviews scheduled tomorrow for paraprofessional positions - one in the elementary and one in the middle school. I have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education, and I have been a classroom aide at our local Head Start classroom this past year.

I have no experience in the public school setting.

I am wondering what I might need to touch upon in my interviews tomorrow - and what questions may be asked of me.

I believe that a paraprofessional's job is to implement lesson plans that are created by the teacher, assist in classroom management, help with the clerical needs of the teacher, and possible work one-on-one with students who have IEPs.

Any suggestions of other points I may need to focus on are welcome. Any interview questions I may be asked would also be helpful.


  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    bumping - hoping to get some help.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Be ready for interview questions about classroom management, about handling disruptive students, about past experiences working with others...

    I think you've got the gist. They will ask about IEPs. I'd ask about FERPA if I was interviewing you.

    I'd be looking for evidence that you can make decisions, work both independently and with direction...

    If I were being interviewed I'd mention extra trainings you've had (CPR? CPI?, IEP trainings...), other languages you speak... They have your resume, but they have lots of resumes. Remind them of the special stuff on yours.

    Good luck!
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks for the information!
  • dlrock
    dlrock Posts: 8 Member
    Did you ever get a job as a paraprofessional? I am one also and I love it!