I just can't get going

So at the start of the year I had some health problems and was put on medication for high blood pressure. I was 15 stone 3 and this was my biggest.
I then cut out the junk food and snacks and got out exercising. I got down to 13 stone 10. I also separated from my wife.
Anyway I ran an amazing 10k race back on 15th May.
The last month has been so stressful with the separation, binging on food sadness stress depression anxiety, work pressure, and was on stage in a drama production..
I stepped on the scales this morning and they said 14 stone 9.
I really need to cut the crap again and actually calorie count too
I just can't get my head where it needs to be


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    That's hard going through all that stuff, without a 'crutch' to lean on. Food is such an easy escape to turn to. :/ It's always been my go-to for stress, etc.
    Does it help when you log calories? Can you find acceptable replacements for the foods you're craving? Is there anyone in your life that you can buddy up with to help hold yourself more accountable, especially with the running aspect? Anyone you can talk to about everything you're going through? Any forms of relaxation techniques that might work to relieve the stressors?

    Getting your head back in the game is the most challenging part of being on the healthy track, IMO. If you're sticking with the running, hopefully the healthier eating will return. I've found if I stay committed to the active role it's easier for my brain to return to better eating habits.

    Wishing you good luck!!!
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    One of the things that has helped me stay on track in the past is the mindset that in a time where a lot is going on that I have no control over, I do have control over what I put in my mouth. Instead of using food for comfort, I look for food that makes me feel healthy. When dealing with stress, hard exercise can make problems easier to handle. So instead of focusing on all the chaos in my life, I focus on the simple things I can do for myself that I have absolute control over.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,674 Member
    So at the start of the year I had some health problems and was put on medication for high blood pressure. I was 15 stone 3 and this was my biggest.
    I then cut out the junk food and snacks and got out exercising. I got down to 13 stone 10. I also separated from my wife.
    Anyway I ran an amazing 10k race back on 15th May.
    The last month has been so stressful with the separation, binging on food sadness stress depression anxiety, work pressure, and was on stage in a drama production..
    I stepped on the scales this morning and they said 14 stone 9.
    I really need to cut the crap again and actually calorie count too
    I just can't get my head where it needs to be

    Don't let a temporary, one month setback completely derail you. I'm sorry for everything you are going through. It sucks. And that's ok. Things will come back together if you allow them to. For now, know it's ok to feel how you feel. Sit with those feelings without trying to make them go away, just experiencing them. No eating, no distracting yourself. Just experience it and remind yourself that feelings are temporary. They will pass if you breath and allow them to just be.
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    If you eat in response to stress, you will need to develop alternative, healthier coping skills to deal with the stress, otherwise this will happen every single time stress overwhelmes you.