short term goals

Is it a realistic goal to shoot for a 10 pound loss by mid August. It is nearing the end of June now with minor set backs I was able to accomplish my first goal but I didn't feel like I did much outside of walking and counting calories daily so I kind of want to use the next few weeks to really push myself. I also just want to feel good in my fancy birthday fit since we are going on a trip this year.

is it unhealthy to set a goal like that?


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,703 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of deadlines, because it can turn success into failure. I mean, what if you've lost 8 lbs by then? That's definitely a good step in the right direction, but focusing on the deadline would turn that into a failure ('I didn't accomplish my goal')? Some people find deadlines motivating, but personally I just think it adds unnecessary pressure and stress.
  • Seasonal_One
    Seasonal_One Posts: 49 Member
    You do you. Whatever works, it sounds great! Your goals sound perfectly reasonable. Good luck and you will feel great if you achieve your goal.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,732 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    I'm not a huge fan of deadlines, because it can turn success into failure. I mean, what if you've lost 8 lbs by then? That's definitely a good step in the right direction, but focusing on the deadline would turn that into a failure ('I didn't accomplish my goal')? Some people find deadlines motivating, but personally I just think it adds unnecessary pressure and stress.

    Because of this, I personally like process goals more than outcome goals.

    Outcome goal: Hit X weight by Y date.

    Process goal: Log all eating/exercise every day, be within +/- 100 calories of goal as averaged over the week.

    You can get to a good place by August, surely.