Hypoglycemia and Working Out?

Hello All!

I have hypoglycemia WITHOUT diabetes. It's a genetic disposition in my family. So far I have been ok eating enough with my current daily life. I have a job that require me to be on my feet for at least 9 hours m-f. And I've found a decent enough balance of food and energy expense for my work.

I want to start doing a work out session 3-4x weekly to help build muscle. But am not sure how to balance pre and post work out foods for that? What do yall eat for work out days? What's your go-to if you have a bs crash during work out? Standard protein bars aren't enough for me to get through movement. I find if I have to expend a large amount of energy and exertion, then I have to have a meal. But I don't want to suffer illness if I eat a full meal then work out?


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,738 Member
    I eat c90 mins before (balance protein with carbs to prevent blood sugar rise then crash), and I use dried apricots and lucozade sports drink when lifting. I can also eat a banana gradually - but my sessions last 2.5hrs. Then if I’m flagging I have a protein shake straight after and then plan a meal. I can actually eat quite a lot right before workout and after - you might not be ill - the only way to know is to experiment. (I also have non-diabetic blood sugar issues.) just keep a food diary with your reactivity over a few weeks so that you can tell what works and what doesn’t help. Good luck!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited June 2022
    What do yall eat for work out days?
    Depends on the workout, gym weights sessions mostly just fit in my normal eating schedule but I don't have your issue.

    What's your go-to if you have a bs crash during work out?
    If you crash (better to prevent than have to fix) you want fast absorption carbs, typically glucose based.

    Standard protein bars aren't enough for me to get through movement.
    Not surprised – a concentration on carbs not protein would be the route I would suggest.

    I find if I have to expend a large amount of energy and exertion, then I have to have a meal.
    My go-to meal before multi-hour exercise is a big bowl of granola with milk (and sometimes a scoop of whey protein). Then I'm topping up regularly and frequently with predominantly carbs (sports drinks, malt loaf, cereal bars....). Oats are a commonly used resource in endurance sports.

    But I don't want to suffer illness if I eat a full meal then work out?
    Some people can exercise immediately after eating, some prefer to be fasted (wouldn't be a great idea for you!), I can do either, some eat a whole load of food WHILE exercising! I'm a cyclist and even in that demographic feeding requirements/preferences are amazingly varied - on a 24hr event some were fuelling almost entirely on carb gels and drinks and some stopped for a full meal before getting straight back on.
    Some experimentation required to see what works/doesn't work for you, it's very personal even without your particular issue.
    In your position I'd be looking at slow-release carbs 30mins before starting or simply the very common banana. But I'd also have some quick carbs to hand in case you start to feel hypo.
  • Countandsubtract
    Countandsubtract Posts: 276 Member
    I don't usually feel ill lifting on a full stomach. Grease can be a problem when I'm running. When I had to run early in the morning, I set the alarm 30 min early, shoved crackers in my face and went back to bed.

    I'm not sure any of that is recommended specifically, just my experiences.