Any obsessive people out there ever perfect?

this might be an odd post, but when I enter all my food on the iPhone, there is a nutrient summary... As I strive to eat the best I can, there is always an area on that summary that isn't the best.... Has anyone ever had a perfect day of eating where you hit all of the goals?

I just thought it would be interesting to know what a perfect day of eating looked like....


  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Well no, because I always make sure I have at least 25g of protein a day rather than the recommended 14.
  • Precious_Nissa
    My last perfect day which honestly I dont even pay attention to as long as i'm under calorie goal is June 13th.....
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    This is what my perfect day looks like:

    I had a LITTLE bit of everything left except fat. I went over on that but they were from healthy fats. But that's a successful day to me because I got a lot of vegetables, didn't go over, had a LITTLE protein left, had sodium left, AND drank lots of water. :happy: