Getting Started - Advice Needed for those with Joint Replacements

Hi folks - I am looking for some advice on how to get started exercising. I am 39 and have had both of my hips replaced in the past year. I've also had 3 discectomies along the way. All of that to say, I'm not sure I should jump in and max out on squats right off the bat.

Can you provide some pointers of how to get started exercising without getting hurt or stressing the fake hips? Thank you so much.


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,752 Member
    Definitely talk to your doctor and/or physical therapist. A friend of mine broke her hip recently and very slowly built up her walking again, along with doing PT. She is back to walking 8 miles at a time. But she did it gradually. You may find that some exercises are not advised at all, but there should be some things that you can do, even with your current limitations. Just don't push the pace too hard.
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    This is a question for a well-trained PT with experience in hip replacements.

    You are very young for double hip replacement, I'm shocked your surgeon didn't go over in detail what activies are more likely to speed up you needing another replacement.

    If I were you, I would clear everything with your surgeon/PT team.

    Signed: someone the same age who may require hip replacement if my preservation surgery doesn't go well.

    Oh, and my surgeon outright banned me from running or squats to protect my preservation surgery results.
  • omherrera44
    omherrera44 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with previous posts. The surgeries could not work if there is not an appropriate rehab program. Which could end on further surgeries or worsening symptoms. Consult your PT. Good luck man