Under desk bike

FireVixen_Fayth Posts: 154 Member
What should this fall under in exercising? I put it under bike general light but I am not sure if that's the best category. It was a lm easy pace not like fast or vigorous or anything.


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 732 MFP Staff
    We are continually working on adding exercises to our database. There are always some exercises that vary for each individual, making the calories burned difficult to calculate accurately. We like to research each exercise before adding it to our database, making sure we have the most precise formula. This formula is based on an average. Once we have this formula, we will add the exercise into our database.

    If you are not seeing an exercise that fits in the database, but you know roughly how many calories you are burning with a device like a heart rate monitor or activity tracker, you can override the calories burned field by tapping directly on it and then put in your information. You can also add a new exercise yourself, just go to "cardiovascular" and then "create new exercise." Your estimate will be added to your personal database, and not the main database.

    If you don't want to use a heart rate monitor or similar device, you can make a rough estimate. This won't be as accurate as an activity tracker. To do this, you can try substituting another exercise already in our database.

    If you are interested in an activity tracker, you may want to look into our third party integrations. Several of our integrations offer solutions for monitoring your calorie burn over the course of the day and can update your MyFitnessPal calorie goals based on this data.

    On the site, you can find out more about our integrations at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/apps. In our Android, iPad and iPhone Apps, tap "Apps & Devices" in the menu.

    ​Alternatively, we have also recently added a new "Workout Routines" feature (only available in English for now) that allows you to build an entire gym routine from a large database of both strength and cardiovascular exercises. Users wanting to add a new multi-part exercise may want to try adding a Workout Routine instead of creating a separate exercise. For more information please see: https://support.myfitnesspal.com/hc/articles/360036071232-Gym-Workouts
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