Back after a 6 year absence

I've been back on MFP a week now and I've already lost 2lbs. I'd left after reaching my goal then had injuries (I practice Taekwondo), got complacent and depressed then went up to 200lb.

It was when my GP said I had high blood pressure I took action. I was referred to Slimming World and after 2 months my blood pressure went back to normal. My weight, however, fluctuated then stalled. I had to trim down some more because I have my 2nd Dan Black grading exam coming up, which I know is going to be strenuous. Coming back to MFP was a no brainer. I'm excited about this journey!


  • Decoy152
    Decoy152 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for sharing this intro as I have recently surpassed my original fitness goal thus becoming aware of possible injury and/or the subsequent downstream effects, complacency, depression. Cheers to your self awareness and taking corrective actions 👍