Wuany in WA

wuany Posts: 17 Member
Hi I'm Wuany,
I'm originally from CA but living in WA due to my hubby being in the Navy. All my life I've struggled with my weight. Even when I was in the Navy myself they put me on a mandatory exercise program pretty much the whole time I was in. I've lost weight before (usually around 20lbs) but always wound up gaining it back. Diabetes runs in my family and eventually it caught up with me back in 2003. Since then I've been on medication for it and I'm tired of taking it. A co worker told me about MFP a few weeks ago so I decided to try it out and see how it went. So far I like it. It's going to take me a while before I can figure out how to keep under my calorie count but for now I'm just logging what I eat/drink no matter how bad it is. I've made some changes since I started logging my food so I know there has been improvement. A friend of mine told me not to worry about going over the calories right now. She said "Imagine if you logged what you were eating 3 weeks ago". I was probably eating/drinking at least 3,000 calories a day. So if I have a bad day I just try to do better the next time. I'm glad to have signed up here and hope to make some new friends.:smile:


  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi! I am also in Washington, and I also have quite a bit of weight to lose, and I understand how difficult it is when it seems like the weight won't come off. Feel free to add me if you would like a friend who will motivate and support you throughout your journey.
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    How long have you been in WA? I hope our lovely weather today wasn't your "welcome to the rain" shower. lol Feel free to add me as a friend as I also live in WA and have a long way to go.
  • wuany
    wuany Posts: 17 Member
    My hubby and I have lived in Washington for a little over 2 years. Before that we were in Guam for 4 years. The rain doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would . It just means I don't have to water the grass myself :smile:
  • wuany
    wuany Posts: 17 Member
    Well, it's been a few months now and I'm still here. I have really noticed a difference in my blood sugar levels. My A1C dropped from I think 7.6 to 7.2 so even though it's still high I am making an improvement. My blood sugars levels in the morning used to be over 200 and now they are in the low to mid 100's. In the afternoons they range from 72-110. I'm really happy to have found this program and plan to keep logging. There are days where I don't log anything and just wnat a break but I will always come back.