Getting my groove back

Hi all
About 5 years ago I started my weight loss journey in earnest. I had had my daughter a year prior and was 280lbs, and scared that she would be teased because of my weight. I was able to work myself down to 183lbs over 3 years and was pretty proud of myself. I thought I had it figured out and was maintaining for a long time.

Then at the end of 2020 my mom broke her hip. Long story short her dementia got worse and I had to fight with the healthcare system to make sure she was taken care of properly while we moved her into retirement living. In the meantime my cat needed to be put down due to illness. In August I adopted a cat from a friend without any information and ended up with another sick pet, which was exactly what I didn't need. In early September we put my husbands cat down. In October I applied for a job. In November I got the job, and made arrangements to move to a northern community where we know no one. On my last day of work in December my father unexpectedly passed away. Over the next 3 weeks we had a funeral, moved, celebrated my mom's birthday, then mourned my dads, then Christmas, New Years and then I started work. It was a whirlwind! In the last 7 months we have been selling my mom's house, dividing all of the stuff for both parents between siblings, hosted a celebration of life, and my husband and I bought our first house, while settling into our new community. We move into our new house in less than 2 weeks.
It's been a decade this year to say the least.

So now I'm 250lbs again. The weight is pouring on. I don't see myself in the mirror anymore. I don't feel good, my body doesn't feel right, and I've had to start buying plus sizes again. People keep on telling me to give myself some slack and they remind me of the stress I've been through, etc. Truth is my eating is out of control and I can't find that groove I was in a few years ago. I'm going to give it another try to track this week because I can't stay as I am, and the excuses of stress seem lame. Hoping my groove is somewhere around here. Hoping to find myself again.

Thanks for listening.


  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 986 Member
    @Sylorna I am so sorry that you have had such a difficult time these last few years. It can be helpful to talk with a counselor; you may wish to consider this. I wish you the best.