Hi! Working nights and I need help!

Hello everyone! I am new to this app and am trying to figure things out.

I have gained about 25 pounds or so since I began working overnights. Is there a better way to track food and things with working overnights? Better ways to eat? I will take any and all help or suggestions at this point!

Also, my body is so confused because I try to stay awake when I’m off to spend time with my family. So I’m just all a mess!! I’m a big girl already so this odd just making it all worse!!

I have to lose weight before
my daughter gets married and this has finally found my motivation!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I'm a little confused...I would just track what I ate for each 24 hour period. When I worked nights I still ate three meals per day, the timing was just different from a traditional schedule. I also ate the same things working overnights as I do working a traditional schedule.

    In a given 24 hour period mine looked pretty much like this:

    Meal 1: 2AM (usually a sandwich or other "lunch" type of thing that would be had with a traditional sch)
    Off shift: 6AM
    Meal 2: 7/7:30AM (Usually traditional Breakfast food)
    Sleep: 10:30AM - 6/6:30 PM
    Meal 3: 8-9 PM (Usually traditional dinner food)
    Shift Start: 10PM (healthy snacks on hand)

    Yes, working overnight can jack with your system...and I understand trying to stay up to be with family, but you also need to provide yourself a scheduled sleeping time to allow yourself to get into a rhythm. My family time was typically in the evenings just as it is with my traditional schedule with the only difference being with a traditional schedule I get home around 6/6:30 and when I worked nights I was just getting up...and instead of going to bed at 9:30/10PM, I was off to work.

    In other words, with both a traditional schedule and night work I typically get 3-4 hours of family time on a work day...when I worked nights that time was in the evening before work...with a traditional schedule it's in the evening after work. For myself the most difficult thing was weekends which I was lucky enough to not have to work...but it messed with my schedule because I'd want to be out and about doing fun things and not up all night alone watching tv or something while everyone slept so my schedule always kind of felt messed up.