
Mazziefly Posts: 5 Member
Today I've completed my 13th Kettlebell workout since starting in June. I'm sure a habit is forming. Even though the scale doesn't show much change, I feel stronger (mentally and physically) and even a bit happier.
Just consistently showing up for myself and doing something towards my goals has improved my state of mind and with that my confidence to achieve goals.
Having a beach body one day will be great, but right now, working out and mindful eating is doing amazing things for my well-being.


  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I have been thinking about trying kettlebell workouts. Are you following a program?
  • Mazziefly
    Mazziefly Posts: 5 Member
    mlrtri wrote: »
    I have been thinking about trying kettlebell workouts. Are you following a program?

    That is awesome. I haven't got a specific program to follow or much knowledge about it to be honest. I found a Youtuber by the name of Caroline Girvan, and started with her 15 minute full body workout. Enjoyed it enough to keep on doing it and feel it's working for me. After a bit I moved on to her 30 min full body workout. Not sure where to next though. Maybe a heavier Kettlebell later on. :smiley: