Don't Want to be Fat and Fifty!

vegabay Posts: 11 Member
Hi all. Catchy title to get everyone to read, but really, my main objective is to be healthier. I am currently 49 though. And sure, it would be nice to lose weight before 50, but I'm really on here because I finally got a primary physician for the first time in my life and let's just say she wasn't too kind!
My cholesterol is around 250 and she put me on meds. I tried to convince her I could lose weight and get it down on my own, but it was a no go.
I know I can lose weight and get it down because I have gotten on myfitnesspal, upped my exercise, cut alcohol down and lost 40 pounds twice over the years. However, clearly, I struggle to maintain that healthy existence.
Anyway, looking for support as I make my 3rd times the charm attempt. I want to show this doctor that it's not the meds at my 3 month appt. that lowered my cholesterol it's my lifestyle change and weight loss.
I'm a picky eater and that can sometimes be a challenge, but I know if I just improve the foods I like to eat to healthier versions I can be successful. Looking for kindness and support. Thanks all!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    You can do this: Weight loss worked for me, to get those numbers into the healthy range (and keep them there).

    I was luckier (?) doctor-wise, though: He'd been threatening me with statins for a while, but I was trying various non-medication things to get control, finally realized I needed to get serious about weight loss. Cholesterol was at 230, then down to 176 a year later, with weight loss. It started going down even part way to goal weight, besides. It's stayed in the healthy range since, though my HDL (the good one) keeps creeping up, which raises the total cholesterol number accordingly, but makes my doctor happy.

    These health improvements are the biggest reward, IMO. I'm cheering for you, from the sidelines!
  • minnelizzy
    minnelizzy Posts: 45 Member
    I hear you. I’ve also been up and down- I know I can do it, it’s the maintaining. And my last doc appt and now my scale are my newest wake up call for sure.