Can you please fix the problem with the weight calculation?

ianace Posts: 1 Member
The new update is buggy. When you first tap on the weight chart from the dashboard and go to the detailed weight entries, there’s a line underneath the Weight and Time Period. This line shows the amount of weight and % of weight lost during this time period as well as the starting weight during that time period. Once you log your weight for the day in this same screen, the app takes you back to the dashboard to the default weight chart. (Which is annoying). When you tap on the weight chart to get back to the detail, the line that showed the amount of weight and the % of weight lost during that time period disappears. I tried closing and reopening the app, but nothing works. It’s extremely frustrating! I like to know how much I loss/gain in a given time period without having to do the math. This is a feature that was in the app before (and actually is still there until you log your weight for the day! Please fix this.


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