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Filter foods by whether they list weight

I like to weigh my food when possible. I find it's usually much more accurate and variations between similar listings in the database are often much smaller when I factor in weight (e.g. 2 different store bought cookies with wildly different calories are likely two very different sizes and not two drastically different calorie densities). Unfortunately, a lot of entries in the database only list volume measures.

I'd like a checkbox next to search to let me filter for entries that include weight, or a way to change the sort so that entries with weight show up higher in the list.

Since most nutritional labels list weight, this should be straightforward:)
3 votes

Open for Voting · Last Updated


  • Hudson
    Hudson Posts: 74 MFP Staff
    While I don't have a timeline I can share, we are working on a big underlying project to standardize serving sizes in the database. Bringing more items with accurate nutritional information as well as both volume and weight serving options. Many items have already been updated, so take a look around the results to see if one matches what you're looking for.