Not Wanting to Re-invent the Wheel

happymommma Posts: 1 Member
Can anyone share their "perfect" meal plan for one day or one week? I'm having a hard time hitting my desired macros. I know yours most likely won't match mine, but I'd like a starting point. Myfitnesspal doesn't remember my previous meals from a few years ago when I was more disciplined.

*This question is going in tech support because it won't allow me to select social from the drop down.


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Perfection is the enemy of progress... to me being consistent counts a lot more than being perfect. That being said my most consistent days and weeks are actually ones where I eat take out because that's what is already in my diary and makes it easy to log. 🤷‍♀️
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