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Adjust Amount of Each Item While in Diary

I am on a very specific macro plan, and my protein, carb, and fat macros have to hit EXACTLY every day. I spend WAAAAY too much time entering my meals because I have to enter the item, guess at the amount that will give me my macros, then if it doesn't I have to go OUT of my diary in order to enter that item AGAIN but with a different amount. Why can we not adjust the portion size/amount of each individual item while in the diary? Seriously, this is WAAAAY too time-consuming.
1 votes

Open for Voting · Last Updated


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    What do you mean? I can change the amount of an entry in my diary just by tapping it (on the app) or clicking it (on desktop)