Diabetes Nutrition

Anyone have any tips, etc for someone that has been told they now have type 2?
Trying to figure out what I can eat to keep the blood sugar balanced.


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,764 Member
    See if your insurance includes a diabetes class that includes nutrition counseling. When my husband was diagnosed we did that and it was helpful.

    To some extent it is a matter of trial and error to see how sensitive you are to carbs and sugar. i.e. my husband couldn't eat Chinese food without a big spike in his blood sugar, but pizza was fine. Especially in the beginning you need to test frequently to see what you respond to. It can be helpful to compare your food logs with morning after sugar readings to see what works or doesn't work for you. You may also find that when you exercise more you have more flexibility. Losing weight will make a difference as well.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    it is definitely an individual thing. I too have blood sugar issues(diagnosed prediabetic)-- but I have purchased a simple blood sugar meter and if I eat any food carb heavy or grain heavy for me- I check the meter- it helps me a lot--
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,055 Member
    Anyone have any tips, etc for someone that has been told they now have type 2?
    Trying to figure out what I can eat to keep the blood sugar balanced.

    I suggest you ask the doctor who diagnosed you to refer you to a diabetes educator or equivalent.