Not new here, wondering if anyone really is?

StefMB88 Posts: 13 Member
I, like a lot of you, am starting again from scratch after years of neglecting my body. I used to be really in shape once upon a time and then I met my husband. I'd like to blame it on him because it's always nice to have someone to blame for something but obviously I can't. We both got way too comfortable with eating out too much, over eating, over indulging, and learning how to make too many bad foods.
Trying to unlearn all of the ingrained diet culture "hacks" like cutting out carbs, and eating 1200 calories a day, avoiding "bad foods", etc etc is a little trying but with the help of a therapist and nutritionist I'm indeed learning.
Little back story:
I grew up in a house of athletes but I was the nerd, loved books, band, choir and food more than anything. When my dad remarried his wife brought to his attention that I was starting to put on weight and they both agreed that locking up the pantry of food was their best bet at keeping me from eating all the bad stuff they were bringing around. Like most kids with too much time on their hands I was quickly able to learn how to jimmy that lock and get into the pantry without them knowing anyways but now that I can look back on that with the help of someone elses perspective that was a little traumatizing with me and in the long run ended up making my relationship with food crash and burn. If I couldn't eat everything I could get my hands on before my parents got home I wouldn't be able to have the sweet treat or the can of raviolis because they weren't for me...they were for the more active people in my household.
Anyways, with all that being said I'm here rebuilding my relationship with food and with myself. I started a blog here because I'd like to share my story and my journey along the way. I haven't gotten to the point where I feel confident enough in tracking my foods but I will eventually and I'll share that with everyone too.
Hope everyone is having a good day and making good choices!