How to set calories back to default

gooz71 Posts: 97 Member
I changed my daily calorie goal manually but now it has stayed that way for every day from now on. I want to go back to the default amount that the app figures out for me. Anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,660 MFP Staff
    Answer ✓
    If you'd like to go back to the default settings on the program, you should be able to do this in two different areas. Simply go to, sign in with the same username and password as the app. Once online you can either go to the main "Settings" tab and then to "Edit Diet/Fitness Profile". Make sure all information is correct in that area. Whether you need to make changes or not to the page, if you then click the Update Profile link at the bottom of the page, it should instantly set you on the most current information for your profile.

    Or if you like, you can go to the "Goals" tab, and then "Change Goals" then "Guided" and walk through the set up once more. If you are using an app, all updated changes should then transfer to the app the next time you log in with the same username and password, and there is a valid internet connection.
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