Swinging Food Lists

DLTurner1953 Posts: 2 Member
I've noticed that my Recent and Frequent Food Lists that I've compiled....keeps changing daily. Some days everything on my 4 pages of food items is complete. However many days the Food Lists that I've compiled to complete my daily diary....are lacking many of the contents that were in there for the previous day's diary entry.

Thanks for any assistance or directive you might be able to share.


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 768 MFP Staff
    Unfortunately, the Frequent and Recent lists are a bit constricted right now. They were originally created to automatically add to and delete based on frequency of use. However, since the lists can hold several items, this may take time before items start to automatically drop off the lists based on a lack of use.

    If you ever want to, you can delete from both the recent and frequent lists in our iOS and Android apps, or online, at www.MyFitnessPal.com (sign in with the same username and password as the app). Though, at times, when you delete them from the website, they may also delete from the app, this may not always be the case. Sometimes, the syncing between the two does not pick up the item has been deleted, and therefore they remain on the app, even though they've been deleted on the website. Deleting items from the app will not be reflected on the website.

    Another option is you could start using the "meals" area as your main list of reference. The "meals" area is somewhat like a favorite lists. You can add just one item or several items as a meal. You can also name that item or list of items however you like, and you can delete from that area as often as you would like. The meals list is the one area you have the most control.

    If you have any other questions or concerns on this, we recommend reaching out to our dedicated Support Team directly by visiting https://myfitnesspal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us or email directly to support@myfitnesspal.com. Thanks!
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