Is there a way for me to lose 5-6 pounds?

formerprin Posts: 3 Member
edited August 2022 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a very disciplined eater with the exception of about 4 days a year. For years, I always thought that I ate between 1000 and 1200 calories a day (mostly high protein, low carb). However, when I started using the app, I discovered that I was full with less than 1000 calories. I started trying to eat 1000-1200, feeling stuffed doing so. I am at 124 pounds, and my clothing is tight. To be comfortable, I need to weigh between 115 and 120. I am only 5'2" tall and 70 years old. I work out with weights 1.5 hours three times a week, walk 4 miles three times a week, and (for the spring/summer) push my lawnmower 2 hours and 20 minutes once a week. The scale does not budge. I reached my goal briefly with Keto (about a year and a half ago) but then instead of losing (without changing my meals), after 9 months, I started gaining. I currently follow the Fast Metabolism Diet which is high carb two days, high protein two days and high fat three days. Is there any hope for me?