Calorie help! How much should I eat and how active am I?

I'm an 18 year old girl that is 5'9 and 130 pounds. My current goal is to maintain my weight. I exercise 4-6 days a week, 20-40 minutes at a time (sometimes more) so I'm getting in usually around 1 1/2-3 hours of moderate exercise per week. I've used calculators. Most say I need anywhere from 1850-1950 calories per day but I don't know how accurate those are. I'm also having difficulty deciding my activity level. I'm a senior in high school and I attend 1 college class and the rest I do at home but I get up and do things a lot as well as working out at moderate intensity (sometimes high) 4-6 days a week.

I've seen people suggest to others on here to put your activity level as sedentary and then log the exercise and eat that but I honestly don't know how many calories I'm burning and good HRM's are so expensive so I can't afford one. So, I'd really like to know: How much should I eat and what's my activity level? Thanks so much!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm an 18 year old girl that is 5'9 and 130 pounds. My current goal is to maintain my weight. I exercise 4-6 days a week, 20-40 minutes at a time (sometimes more) so I'm getting in usually around 1 1/2-3 hours of moderate exercise per week. I've used calculators. Most say I need anywhere from 1850-1950 calories per day but I don't know how accurate those are. I'm also having difficulty deciding my activity level. I'm a senior in high school and I attend 1 college class and the rest I do at home but I get up and do things a lot as well as working out at moderate intensity (sometimes high) 4-6 days a week.

    I've seen people suggest to others on here to put your activity level as sedentary and then log the exercise and eat that but I honestly don't know how many calories I'm burning and good HRM's are so expensive so I can't afford one. So, I'd really like to know: How much should I eat and what's my activity level? Thanks so much!

    so start with 1900 cals per day, and after a month weigh yourself,... if you have lost weight, eat more.

    given your stats i would say your miantenance would probably be around 2000-2200