Help finding recipes

Sunny65Health Posts: 10 Member
I’m new to MFP and watched a video that said for iOS users to go to “recipe discovery” to find a recipe. I looked for it, but do not have that option. My Home Screen doesn’t look like what they showed in the video either. I’m a premium member but am struggling understanding this app…it also doesn’t fit to my screen size. I would appreciate any help…THANKS!

Best Answer

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,324 MFP Staff
    Answer ✓
    Do you happen to be using an iPad or our website? If so, unfortunately Recipe Discovery is not available on that platform. (It is available on iPhone and Android only)

    To reach our support team for further assistance, please visit or email directly to


  • Sunny65Health
    Sunny65Health Posts: 10 Member
    When will it be available for iPad? It much easier with a bigger screen and I use my iPad for everything!
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