Edited / Cropped Strava Activity

I had to crop a strava activity as I did a walk, then got in the car before realising I hadn't stopped strava. Later on, using the Strava website on a PC, I cropped the activity to the correct finish point - all good in Strava.
But, Strava synced to MFP at the point I stopped the Strava activity including the huge distance done in the car - and calculated calories.
After the edit in Strava, there was no corrective sync to MFP.
I deleted the activity in MFP, hoping it would resync - but it didn't.
Is there a way to manually re-add or resync an activity or refresh it?
The solution I came up with was to add a cario exercise in MFP with the calories stated in Strava.


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Your solution is exactly what I would do.
    I actually preferred not to link my Strava account as it seemed to cause more problems and didn't work out to be any more convenient than just adding my exercise myself directly into here.

    BTW - I found Strava's calorie estimates for walking dreadfully generous. I use the net calorie option on this calculator instead - https://exrx.net/Calculators/WalkRunMETs

    (Strava's estimate will be gross calories - not just the extra calories burned because you were walking in that time period which is what you really want.)
  • lcwoffindin
    lcwoffindin Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the comment.
    Its rare the copping is needed, so apart from that the link works well.
    I looked at the calculator, it doesn't say what grade means, I presume its related to amount of climbing or difficulty. Anyway, with the hilly walk we do, and the other parameters set - speed, distance, with grade to 3 - as it is a hilly walk, the calories is quite close to the Strava estimate. Thats good enough for me, as all this stuff is an estimate anyway. I use it as a guide.