So it is truly amazing what you can accomplish when your start believing in yourself and telling that old you to just shut the F up. I've lost 150+ lbs. but I still weigh 330+. I had complete reconstruction on my left knee over 10 years ago and had a severe strain of the Patellar tendon 11 months ago when I decided to start the C25K program when I was still over 400lbs. I have completed 1 nine week round of C25K already but I did it at 2mph walking and all the jogging was at 3.5mph. I have signed up to do my first 5K on 9/21. The Marine 5K Mud run. I want to complete it in less than 45 min and it has 2 big mud pits to low crawl through and 3 obstacles to complete at the half way point. I am doing a second 5K on 10/19 and my goal for it is 36 min. So this round of C25K I have been doing walking intervals at 4 mph jogging at 5mph. So after finishing my Strong lifts workout this morning I hit the treadmill for the run I have been dreading all week. C25K W5D3 the first 20 min run interval with no walking breaks.

Headphones on, music - classic rock, hit the 3mph button
5 min - warm-up done - Here we go, hit the 5mph button on the treadmill
10min - Knees are stinging but still 3 min 1 sec to go to reach a new PB
13min 1 sec - New PB everything from here on is gravy
14 min - Knees burning, breathing hard, heart rate 154 first thoughts of stopping
15 min - Dude your still over 330 lbs. why are you doing this lets stop now it’s still a victory
17 min - New PB. 12 min mile Previous PB was 13.30.
18 min - Why are you still pushing through the pain, you have lost over 150lbs everyone can see how hard you have worked why keep pushing let’s stop this madness and go get breakfast
20 min - 15 min in 5 min to go. Why do I keep doubting myself? I used to run miles at a time when I was in the Army. Yea but you were 20 years old and weighed 210 lbs., not 38 and 330lbs Why do you keep pushing, your fat accept it no one expects you to finish this
23 min - 2 min left, Why do I listen to you I have proven to myself time and time again I can overcome you, I expect to finish this, I am going to finish this, I don't need you fighting me every step of the way so either get on board or shut the f#$*k up.
25 min - did she just say cool down, I just ran 20 min at 5mph holy f'ng *kitten*
30 min - cool down done thank god the sweat is flowing so heavily that no one can see a 38 year old 330lb man crying like a little girl.

I don't know why after 1 year of starting this path I still fight with myself every day to keep going. But this morning I think I broke through a wall on that run. Over the last year I have had the high from a really good exercise burn, had a multitude of milestones and can visualize myself looking like the guy that was a star athlete in HS, played college football, and used to ace the PT test while in the Army, but today, this run, this infuriating internal fight I seem to have with myself on a daily basis was different. As I walked that 5 min cool down, crying like a little girl, but smiling like the Cheshire Cat, was the first time in a very long time that I felt like that guy from so many years ago.


  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Lovely post!
    Congratulations!!!!!I am on wk 5 day 3 as well but having an injury rest at the moment but hoping to be back at it this weekend.
    Keep up the amazing work!!!
  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
    That brought tears to my eyes. Many good wishes for continued success.
  • van8ive
    van8ive Posts: 6 Member
    That literally made me cry! Love you!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member

  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member
    WOW!! I needed to read this! I do this same one tomorrow. I started this journey 46 days ago at 290 and am currently at 265. Wk5 Day 3 scares me. But so did day 2, and day 1, and every other day before that. And I completed each one without repeating a week!!! You are awesome!! I have no doubt that I will finish this strong!
  • slhass10
    slhass10 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you for posting! I am about to start the C25K this week, this really helps.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    That is so awesome, I cant even begin to tell you. As someone who has had to restart the c25k twice now due to wicked, wicked shin splints, I am inspired by the fact that you have achieved milestones and PB's at this point in your journey.

    As soon as I can re-re-start, I am going to do so. I'll be keeping this post in my mind as I do !!
  • lmsorrell1
    lmsorrell1 Posts: 15 Member
    I loved this post!

    I took me 6 months to finish the C25K. I run 3 miles 3 or 4 times a week now and I still have these days. Sometimes I hit 2 miles and am ready to turn the treadmill down. (and sadly sometimes I do.) Next time I feel like quitting - I will definitely think of you!

    We all have an inner champion inside us trying to get out.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    Excellent post. Well done to you, you are inspiring!
  • kdmervin
    kdmervin Posts: 42
    Absolutely amazing. You are ready to tackle that 5K. Keep up the good (hard) work!
  • RobertHendrix
    RobertHendrix Posts: 98 Member
    That literally made me cry! Love you!

    Haha wasn't trying to make you cry. Keep pushing and next family get together we will have to stage our own boot camp.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    What a great story you've shared and in such a creative way! You should think about posting more often because you're a very inspirational writer. I did C25K and you are amazing for powering thru w5d3. It feels like an impossible hurdle when you look ahead to it, but once you get thru it you feel like you can do anything. I can't wait to hear about how you flew through the 5K :flowerforyou:
  • chrystenfo
    chrystenfo Posts: 35 Member
    I love this! I go through this same battle everytime I run, but today I gave up on my run. Next time out when I start getting negative, i will just think of you and make myself keep going!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Dude, who are you and what are you doing in my head?

    I hear that same m**therfu**kin voice!!!

    Congats to you.. keep pushing!!!
  • What an inspiration! I just started the app myself two days ago. I was really down on myself because I couldn't keep pace with my workout partner but I have to realize that everyone has to start out differently and when I have 120lbs on her it will make a big difference! If you could do it at 330lbs I know I can do it at 260! Thank you!
  • LMJS
    LMJS Posts: 157 Member
    Wow! I so loved reading that, so inspiring, thanks for posting :flowerforyou:
    I am currently on wk3/d1 so still a couple of weeks away from that dreaded day, but I'm determined to do it this time (third time lucky - never got past week 1 before!)
    Good luck on your continued journey :happy:
  • margotlovesyou
    margotlovesyou Posts: 102 Member
    You are amazing, what an inspiring awesome post! Love it, I've just started the C25K, I'll be thinking of your words!
  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    This was incredibly inspiring. I'm staring week 4 tomorrow and am dreading week 5. You've given me the hope and faith I need to make it through. Be proud, be very proud. You are amazing.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Bumping - 'cause I think it's a really, really good post!
  • jgraham761
    jgraham761 Posts: 1 Member
    I came on here and typed C25K W5D3 and your post came up...wow! It was just what I needed to hear. I will be doing this tomorrow and needed to see some motivational posts like this to get me through it. Thank you!
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