Diabetes and Sugar Cravings

I am trying to lower my a1c and make overall better choices. I struggle with constantly wanting sugar. It is my BIGGEST challenge. I want to hear from others with diabetes...ways you combat those cravings?

I try drinking lots of water and choosing fruit but lately I want junk everyday. Just chocolate and pastries to the point I get frustrated if I try to deny myself it.



  • navychickpensfan
    navychickpensfan Posts: 25 Member
    Once I got my diabetes under control my sugar cravings diminished. I made small changes to my diet and then continued to make additional changes once I had those in place. I limited my carbs per meal (not keto per se). I also incorporated cardio and resistance training. I got my A1C down to 5.8 from 8.4. If I stick with changes for a least 2 weeks it starts to become a habit with me. I have also learned that if I take something I love out of my diet like ice cream I am more inclined to fail. Now treat myself to a small portion every once in a while. Also making to many strict changes a once I will definitely fail!