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Stop reverting to "Dashboard" after a period of time

It seems that after some amount of time the app will revert from wherever you were to the "Dashboard" view. I spend 99% of my time in the "Diary" so it is quite annoying to have the app jump to the "Dashboard" view. It is even worse because it will start in the "Diary" view and then after a moment jump to "Dashboard". I will have already clicked somewhere but that gets interpreted as a click on the Dashboard so I end up even farther away from the "Diary". Maybe you could do this with allowing the user to have a default view?
5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Hudson
    Hudson Posts: 74 MFP Staff
    While the starting point for the app is the Dashboard by design, it shouldn't be flipping you out of your current page back to the dashboard. To reach our support team for assistance, please visit or email directly at
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 32,064 Member
    edited August 2022
    I've seen this happen a lot on Android. Very annoying when it happens right when you're trying to log a meal entry.
  • Precinct74
    Precinct74 Posts: 6 Member
    So what would actually be better here is if you let people decide the starting page rather than forcing us to dashboard. I, like the OP, post all day in the diary and look at the dashboard once or twice at most.

    The problem with it reverting to dashboard appears to occur when the app is suspended and pushed to the background, not when it’s still one of the active apps. I note you have done nothing to address this either.