Gaining weight??? What?!!



  • KelleyAuville
    Not giving up....just discouraged and confused. People say burn more calories than you eat....others say eat more....

    Just need some clarity.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Not giving up....just discouraged and confused. People say burn more calories than you eat....others say eat more....

    Just need some clarity.

    the two sides are saying the same thing, you have to do both.

    You eat fewer calories than your Total Daily Energy Expenditure to lose weight. However, if you eat too little, that will also negatively impact your fat loss as it will cause your body to store extra fat.

    So it's all about finding the happy medium. Try the calculator I linked you to in my first post.
  • KelleyAuville
    I don't see a post where you linked a calculator?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I don't see a post where you linked a calculator?

    hah my bad, confused this with another thread - here you go:
  • KelleyAuville
    Jeez that seems like a lot. I guess I just have to retrain my way of thinking.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Jeez that seems like a lot. I guess I just have to retrain my way of thinking.

    yep! that's what ALL of this is primarily about anyway. Good luck!
  • KelleyAuville
    Thanks....will update next week after I figure out where to put all those extra calories :)
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I am on my period right now, and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it

    You should have said that first and just stopped right there. That is is your answer plain and simple. Now that you're finally tracking yoru weight regularly you'll see a 3-5 lb gain a week before and during your TOM. I've gained up to 7. Sucks, but it goes away.
    Thank goodness, I was frickin' having a heart attack that I gained 4 pounds this week. Stupid Aunt Flo...(kicks her)
  • ecmont032
    ecmont032 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in the same boat..On week four of my diet and i haven't lost anything in a week..just maintained...the weight was pretty good for the first three weeks and now the past this is usually the point where i get discouraged and frustrated and stop my diet..i'm trying to push through it and just keep eating right and working out...someone said its time to change up my workout routine so i found a personal trainer but if i don't see some weight loss soon I'm going to lose it..I wouldn't care if I lost an ounce I just want to see a loss
  • KelleyAuville
    Well I'm not gonna give up. I honestly do enjoy going to the gym and working on me. I had a baby three months ago and my gym time is my ONLY me time. After I gave birth to her I lost 33 pounds.

    It is difficult to figure out all the little things that you have to do to maximize your work. When to do what and how to do it.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    Also its not the amount of calories you eat it is how often you in a day and what is on that calorie. Example protien and sugar calories are different. Your body does not store proteins but will store sugar.

    Huh? It has EVERYTHING to do with the amount of calories you eat, and what time of day or how many meals is unimportant. Your point about the source is also strange. Your body doesn't care if the calories came from carbs or protein; if there is an excess, it will store it as fat. You make it sound like your body doesn't store proteins, so you can eat 4000 calories of it and be okay. That is definitely not true.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    I'm in the same boat..On week four of my diet and i haven't lost anything in a week..just maintained...the weight was pretty good for the first three weeks and now the past this is usually the point where i get discouraged and frustrated and stop my diet..i'm trying to push through it and just keep eating right and working out...someone said its time to change up my workout routine so i found a personal trainer but if i don't see some weight loss soon I'm going to lose it..I wouldn't care if I lost an ounce I just want to see a loss

    One week of no results only 4 weeks in is normal, and nothing to be discouraged about. It's also pretty soon to talk about plateaus and changing your regimen, although doing a variety of workouts is good in general. Many times I have seen no drop in my weight one week, then double the normal drop the next. There are many reasons for not seeing the scale move much for a short period of time. Just keep exercising and tracking what you eat and you'll do great!! It's about long term health, after all.
  • ecmont032
    ecmont032 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks I needed that boost of encouragement ...I'll be patient!!
  • michail71
    michail71 Posts: 120 Member
    When will this idea die? You don't gain muscle eating at a deficit and a pound is a pound regardless of whether it's fat or muscle. Most likely you are retaining water between TOM and muscle repair. You're probably undereating as well which isn't going to help going forward.

    Oh, is that why I eat at a deficit, but have maintained for 2 months, while my muscles have gotten larger and more firm (especially in my legs) since starting strength training?

    For an untrained person it is possible to grow muscle on a deficit with fat loss but the net result should still be less weight if it was a true deficit.

    It gets harder to do with the more lean mass you have. Typically people can gain 50/50 muscle/fat when on a surplus and weight training. When cutting a good target for loss is -10/-90. That's why body builders go through bulk/cut cycles.