New Here

Hi all, I’m new here and could really use a workout buddy (St. Louis) and/or accountability partner. I am the heaviest I have ever been and miserable. I am just getting out of a narcissistic relationship and am doing my best to adapt to normal life. I am achy all the time and I know it is a combo of weight and food sensitivities. I just recently started a 10 day green smoothie cleanse (JJ Smith). I am doing the modified cleanse and incorporating one “meal” per day (usually lunch or dinner). I am doing yoga 2-3 times a week when time allows (I own my own business so schedules can be hectic). I would like to up that to 5 days a week, but the studio doesn’t always have hours that work for me. My nutrition is probably 80/20, so I’m not too worried about that…..tighten up a few things and I should be good there. Really looking for a workout buddy to keep me motivated, so if you’re in the St. Louis area, reach out and say hello. I look forward to getting to know you all a little better.