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Select custom day dynamically on any given day

We can already set custom goals by day, but these are locked to specific days of the week like Monday, Thursday etc.. This can be helpful to carb cycle but does not fit as well with people like myself who want to match the high carb day with leg day for example.

When using a Push Pull Legs split like so many people do these days, the days are random and not always on a specific day like Monday.

So we would be able to decide, 'today is leg day' I want higher carbs and calories and pick that custom day that we had setup already from a button in the app.
Or we could decide, today is rest day, and select a lower calorie custom day or lower carb day etc...

TLDR; Would love to be able to have a custom daily goal set that can be selected on any given day.
1 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Hudson
    Hudson Posts: 74 MFP Staff
    Thanks for taking the time to contact us and for the great suggestion involving being able to wake up and chose predetermined goals at any time for those with busy and inconsistent schedules. We will definitely consider it for a future update.