Returning from the depths of Fibro

love2sail Posts: 1 Member
edited August 2022 in Introduce Yourself
Got healthy in 2007-2008 through SparkPeople and then, in 2013, got hit with debilitating fibromyalgia that lasted for many years. I continue to be less and less active due to sitting at work and spending hours at a time studying for my Bachelor's. Serious health issues are arising and continue to plague me that could be countered with reduced weight and increased activity. Ready to jump back on the band wagon now that I am strong again. I am eager to find ways to get healthy again for my physical health, future career, and mental well-being. Ecstatic to find such a similar platform within FitnessPal to log my journey. Hoping to find support for those with fibromyalgia restrictions that have surged beyond the pain and fatigue. Looking to lose at least 65 lbs.


  • Betty
    Betty Posts: 8,818 MFP Staff
    Welcome to MyFitnessPal! Wishing you the best of luck on reaching your health and fitness goals.