Progress pictures

birdkkk Posts: 2 Member
I had about 1 years worth of side by side progress pictures. I haven't been on MFP in awhile but now I can't find them. So frustrating. Did they move it to Premier plan? Will I be able to restore the photos?

Best Answer

  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,367 Member
    Answer ✓
    birdkkk wrote: »
    I had about 1 years worth of side by side progress pictures. I haven't been on MFP in awhile but now I can't find them. So frustrating. Did they move it to Premier plan? Will I be able to restore the photos?

    Have you checked the Progress section on the app? On the dashboard, if you scroll down, there's a weight graph. Tap on that and you'll be taken to a graph with underneath weigh-ins and progress pictures.
    Not sure how far in the past the progress pictures are saved.


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