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Search Function for Previously-Logged Items

Logging food items has meaningfully helped my progress in monitoring my diet. At times, I want to know when the last time it was when I consumed a certain food item (to give myself an idea of intervals, etc.), but there isn't yet a function for a search to return a list of times when the searched item were logged. I think it could be an improvement to the Diary if one could search and have an idea of how often one consumes certain foods.
3 votes

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  • 15822
    15822 Posts: 269 Member
    This would also be great to be able to log the food again. That way I only need to sift through a list of similar looking database entries once, then search for "reduced fat cheddar" only among foods I have logged before, because the odds are it's the same one I bought last time, but I don't remember when that was exactly.