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Don't scam customers - how about not auto-renewing or sending a notice before any auto-renew

I don't even remember signing up for MyFitnessPal. I do not think I used it more than a few weeks. And yet after 10+ months of not logging in (which you know) I get a credit card charge after a year for another 12 month plan and you are now pretending that your auto-subscribing me to an annual plan is normal or okay? Be Better. Don't suck. At least give an email notice before resubscribing someone for another year.
2 votes

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  • maureen0809
    maureen0809 Posts: 8 Member
    Let your credit card company know you did not receive any pre-notification of the renewal and they may remove the charges. You could also Google for a phone number and call directly to MyFitnessPal and they might remove the charge?