Gluten Free... Help!

I have no choice but to go gluten free, After dealing with skin issues and horriable migraines for about 3 years they finaly figured out that I have a Gluten allergy. Im finding it really hard not to eat it for it is in everything. Growing up i was a the pb n j kid I cant find bread I like... I cant seem to stay away and I really need to one small 1oz peice of cake can break my body out in a rash and drive my migraines off the chart :(

What do you eat on your gluten free diet???


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I'm not gluten free but I have a friend who is. First, you can have bread. They make gluten free bread with potato starch and rice starch. And you can have potatoes, rice, corn, and tapioca. So you can have starches. You cannot have most commercial chicken wings (most use flour of some type in the process) and that's what she misses the most. Many restaurants have gluten free menus, too. You can probably have corn chips (check the ingredients).

    Bob's Mill sells some cool premix stuff. Check here for chocolate cake: :)

    Good luck!