Re-Kick-Off - Empty Nest

jeanfritsch25 Posts: 3 Member
So, I just officially became an "Empty-Nester" at 58 years old. My youngest is off to college so I see this as a HUGE opportunity to reset the lifestyle.

I can remove all junk food from the house :) -- No chips, cookies, crackers and general garbage in the house - OUT for all of it.

No more having to be a school functions 3 times (or more) a week so I should be able to build time in for exercise. I've re-started walking this week - so it's a start.

I've already started to adjust the eating back to a more reasonable level. Prior to the girls going off to school I was doing a bit too much celebrating. Not cool. So that's ended now and back to trying to stick to under 1400 a day.

Any other empty nesters out there looking to get healthy now that they have more "me" time?


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,939 Member
    Congratulations on reaching an important milestone in YOUR life. I'm not quite there myself yet...number 3 is a senior, the youngest just became a freshman...but I've been giving some thought to how things will change in just a few short years.

    Along with some changes you've already identified, I want to caution you about one more you didn't mention: beware loneliness. I don't know your marital status, but lots of people who either live alone or who no longer live with somebody can start to feel isolated and alone. Even if they encounter people at work all the time, the fact of coming home to an empty-feeling house can lead to feelings of loneliness, sadness, and in severe cases even depression.

    To combat this, some will take to eating out a LOT, just to be in the presence of other people during a meal. This can be a killer towards your budget as well as your waistline. So I recommend using all that time you mentioned got freed up by not just staying at home, exercising at home, eating at home, but rather staying connected to the world in some way.

    Take up a new hobby, take a class (whether a college class or cooking, dancing, etc), volunteer, join a gym to be around others during exercise, SOMETHING to help offset the lack of your girls surrounding you all the time anymore or dragging you off to some school function. We want you to look forward to this next phase of life, not wallow in memories of what was, but expand your own circle of friends. After all, none of these people have heard about how proud you are of your girls yet, you must meet them to share the good memories.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    Hello Jean,

    I’m right there with you! I’m 54 and I have a freshman in college and a senior in college… so now it’s me, my hubby, and my 19 year old golden Roxie.

    I’m ready for a restart too!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    September starting weight: 225.5
    🍃Daily goals: Log and weigh in Daily
    🍃Monthly goals: Exercise/ Dance/ Walk/
    🍃Move at least 15 minutes each day

    🍃Weekly weigh in or Daily weigh in: Daily

    September 1: 225.5
    September 2: 255.5
    September 3: 224.8
    September 4: 224.7

    It’s taking time remember to log daily and weigh in each morning… but it’s coming together.

    Happy Labor Day weekend!

    Each day is a fresh, new beginning☀️

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    September starting weight: 225.5
    🍃Daily goals: Log and weigh in Daily
    🍃Monthly goals: Exercise/ Dance/ Walk/
    🍃Move at least 15 minutes each day

    🍃Weekly weigh in or Daily weigh in: Daily

    September 1: 225.5
    September 2: 225.5
    September 3: 224.8
    September 4: 224.7
    September 5: 225.3

    Happy Labor Day weekend!

    Each day is a fresh, new beginning☀️

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    September starting weight: 225.5
    🍃Daily goals: Log and weigh in Daily
    🍃Monthly goals: Exercise/ Dance/ Walk/
    🍃Move at least 15 minutes each day

    🍃Weekly weigh in or Daily weigh in: Daily

    September 1: 225.5
    September 2: 225.5
    September 3: 224.8
    September 4: 224.7
    September 5: 225.3
    September 6: 223.5… down 2 pounds so far. To fix an earlier typo… my dog is 10 years old and having some tough times with mobility and bathroom issues. I dropped off a urine sample at the vet today… and I’m hoping it’s just another UTI. 🤞🙏🏻

    The kids were home this weekend, but now they’re back at school. We’ll see them again in person in 3 weeks. 🥰

    Each day is a fresh, new beginning☀️

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    September starting weight: 225.5
    🍃Daily goals: Log and weigh in Daily
    🍃Monthly goals: Exercise/ Dance/ Walk/
    🍃Move at least 15 minutes each day

    🍃Weekly weigh in or Daily weigh in: Daily

    September 1: 225.5
    September 2: 225.5
    September 3: 224.8
    September 4: 224.7
    September 5: 225.3
    September 6: 223.5
    September 7: 223.3… 2.2 pounds down!

    Progress not perfection! 🥰

    Each day is a fresh, new beginning☀️

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    September starting weight: 225.5
    🍃Daily goals: Log and weigh in Daily
    🍃Monthly goals: Exercise/ Dance/ Walk/
    🍃Move at least 15 minutes each day

    🍃Weekly weigh in or Daily weigh in: Daily

    September 1: 225.5
    September 2: 225.5
    September 3: 224.8
    September 4: 224.7
    September 5: 225.3
    September 6: 223.5
    September 7: 223.3… 2.2 pounds down!

    Progress not perfection! 🥰

    Each day is a fresh, new beginning☀️


    Great job @jm216 !!