New Beginnings

At this time in my life I find the motivation to be fit more difficult than other times. I am a stress eater. The recent loss of my mother coupled with multiple unplanned changes, lack of sleep and tremendous stress --I have found it difficult to take quality care of myself. Some periods of life are just more stressful than others and not the time to start a new plan. Now I am ready. I'd like to do it differently this time with a support group and this virtual app seems interesting. I look forward to sharing and listening to others as well. I'm starting with an intermittent fast followed by a low carbohydrate diet and an increase in exercise. I'm also going to monitor weight, intake and do most of my own cooking. This is going to work!


  • californiagirl1969
    californiagirl1969 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome and so sorry for all the stress your going through, my condolences on the loss of your mother. I hope you have the comfort of family and friends.

    Take things slow and easy and be kind to yourself more than anything. Start with short walks if that works for you then increase from there, add healthy foods and take unhealthy foods away one at a time. Make sure you're drinking enough water, fill out your goals here and follow a simple enough calorie goal for your goals.

    I speak from experience when I say this works, I've lost 50 lbs using a weight loss app, still working on my final weight loss goal, it just takes time with all that happens in life. Best of care.🙏❤️