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Recipe Instructions/Comments

jmahler77 Posts: 1 Member
I have been trying to figure out how to add comments or instructions to a recipe I created, are you able to to do that and if so how?
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  • blindgorilla
    blindgorilla Posts: 4 Member
    The method I use only works on the App, not on the website.

    Create and save the Recipe.
    Then create a Meal.
    Tap the + Symbol at the bottom to launch the search function.
    Tap on the 'My Recipes' header.
    Select the Recipe you want.
    Scroll down a bit and there is a section for 'Directions' where you can type in anything you want.

    I usually paste in the ingredients first and then type in the instructions and any other notes I want to add so they are all in one place, but under the Meal rather than the Recipe.