EmOtiOnAl EaTiNg!



  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough calories so that it won't trigger a binge... ie saying you want to lose 2 lbs/a week because OMG MFP will let me set it to that even though I'm 5'11 and weigh 135 lbs. So, what I'm REALLY trying to say is, set up some realistic goals and you won't feel the need to binge. And also, have some self control.

    This. I haven't feel the need to do grazing/bingey/emotional eating since I really made the decision to STOP.
    (The thoughts DO creep in, yes, but I have NOT acted on it since starting MFP/logging/exercising in over 6 weeks. That's the best I've done since... well, like 20 years or so!)
    And, get rid of the things you know you can't be trusted with. I just do not buy it; if I want something, I pay more and just get a single serving. Stock up on nutritious, filling foods so you feel more in control.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I completely understand what you mean about emotional eating and this is nothing to make fun of or laugh about and I was so surprised at the people who took the time to make fun of or laugh about your topic title. There should be a little more compassion for someone who is struggling with this issue.
    CaN yOu TaKe SoMeOnE sErIoUs WhEn ThEy TyPe LiKe ThIs? EvEn FoR fUn?

    Lighten up, we're not making fun of the OP or the issue itself, but wearing a clown suit to a wedding instead of a tux is going to get you funny looks.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I completely understand what you mean about emotional eating and this is nothing to make fun of or laugh about and I was so surprised at the people who took the time to make fun of or laugh about your topic title. There should be a little more compassion for someone who is struggling with this issue.
    CaN yOu TaKe SoMeOnE sErIoUs WhEn ThEy TyPe LiKe ThIs? EvEn FoR fUn?

    Lighten up, we're not making fun of the OP or the issue itself, but wearing a clown suit to a wedding instead of a tux is going to get you funny looks.

    I aGreE wiTh thE tRoG. TrOg KnOwS bESt!1!1!1one
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I completely understand what you mean about emotional eating and this is nothing to make fun of or laugh about and I was so surprised at the people who took the time to make fun of or laugh about your topic title. There should be a little more compassion for someone who is struggling with this issue.
    CaN yOu TaKe SoMeOnE sErIoUs WhEn ThEy TyPe LiKe ThIs? EvEn FoR fUn?

    Lighten up, we're not making fun of the OP or the issue itself, but wearing a clown suit to a wedding instead of a tux is going to get you funny looks.

    I aGreE wiTh thE tRoG. TrOg KnOwS bESt!1!1!1one

    This!!! While I would love to take the time to type like that...um...I just can't.

    "if you can't laugh, the days are just too long. - Lauren Anderson.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    CoUnTiNg CaLoRiEs WoRkS wHeThEr YoU'rE sAd Or NoT. JuSt KeEp TrUdGiNg AlOnG!


    To avoid binge eating first of all you need to stay focused. Tracking your food here helps with that.

    To avoid eating for pleasure, cut out the foods that you find irresistible to eat.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Thank You everyone who was nice when commenting! I just wrote the title like that for fun, so stop being so mean and harsh about it. Wow.

    I see your mean and harsh and counter with: We were just having fun, lighten up.

    I like you.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    As entertaining as poking fun at the OP might be, I think she might actually want advice here...lol.

    I can be an emotional eater myself so here's what I've done to try to prevent myself from going overboard:

    1) I've gotten all of the junk out of our apartment. That way if I really feel a craving for something I would have to drive to the store or pick something up...and I really hate going to the grocery store so this has worked really well.

    2) I preportion snacks after I go grocery shopping. This way if I'm hungry I eat only what I've preportioned and don't go through a whole box of cheeze-its.

    3) When I do have a bad day/meal/fill-in-the-blank, I don't beat myself up over it and I don't use it as an excuse to keep binging. I just move on with my life and go forward eating the things I want to.

    4) I try to plan out everything!!! And I schedule little treats for myself (like dark chocolate or spoon of nutella with some strawberries) so I don't feel the need to binge!

    Good luck :)
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Thank You everyone who was nice when commenting! I just wrote the title like that for fun, so stop being so mean and harsh about it. Wow.

    I see your mean and harsh and counter with: We were just having fun, lighten up.

    I like you.

    That is sooo my line.

    Besides, his beard and mine are dating.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Thank You everyone who was nice when commenting! I just wrote the title like that for fun, so stop being so mean and harsh about it. Wow.

    I see your mean and harsh and counter with: We were just having fun, lighten up.

    I like you.

    That is sooo my line.

    Besides, his beard and mine are dating.

    I might want in on that. I like beards.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    As entertaining as poking fun at the OP might be, I think she might actually want advice here...lol.

    Again, no one is poking fun at her. Lighten up people. Lighten up. Life's too long if you can't laugh.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Thank You everyone who was nice when commenting! I just wrote the title like that for fun, so stop being so mean and harsh about it. Wow.

    I see your mean and harsh and counter with: We were just having fun, lighten up.

    I like you.

    That is sooo my line.

    Besides, his beard and mine are dating.

    I might want in on that. I like beards.

    I'm good with it if he is.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member


    What does QFT mean? I don't quite have all the lingo down.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    You need to take a few minutes before eating to sort out your emotions. "Why am I eating? Am I bored? Lonely? Upset? Why? Am I really hungry?" Be more conscious and mindful why you're eating. It really does help. Geneen Roth has some good books about being present around food. Check her out.
  • Hi. Hoping you find some answers and have success with your emotional eating. I agree with keeping the MFP diary and log even the binge / emotional feast (if possible). I guess it is some sort of accountability for me.

    Having been on MFP a short time I am learning so much. There are plenty of good discussions and advice offered by folks that truly know nutrition, exercise and helpful hints.

    One thing that helped me was identifying the situation prior to me chomping chomping chomping without even realizing I am devouring food. I noticed after being in contact with a certain individual - I was doing the chomp chomp chomp thing. Now that I am aware of that weirdness I do, I have coped much better and catch myself quite often.

    Maybe with some therapy or a good friend you can identify the situation/circumstance prior to the "feasts of all feasts" .... perhaps it may help you too. I wish you luck and good health.

  • QFT

    What does QFT mean? I don't quite have all the lingo down.

    I believe it means Quoted for Truth. :)
  • nerakma
    nerakma Posts: 77 Member
    ThIs ToOk ExTrA eFfOrT oN a TaBlEt, JuSt SaYiN'

  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Well this thread is going nowhere fast.

    If you have a legitimate eating disorder, I suggest you look up Overeaters Anonymous. They're a free 12-step program that aids in the recovery of compulsive overeating, bulimia, anorexia etc. I listen to their podcasts, and find them to be helpful :)

    Good luck.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Thank You everyone who was nice when commenting! I just wrote the title like that for fun, so stop being so mean and harsh about it. Wow.

    I see your mean and harsh and counter with: We were just having fun, lighten up.

    I like you.

    That is sooo my line.

    Besides, his beard and mine are dating.

    I might want in on that. I like beards.

    I'm good with it if he is.

    i Am So DoWn WiTh ThIs
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member


    What does QFT mean? I don't quite have all the lingo down.

    I believe it means Quoted for Truth. :)

    Oh, funny. I thought it meant "Quit F***ing Trolling"!
  • ugh, i know exactly how you feel! I am starting my roller coaster of trying to lose the same 40 pounds yet AGAIN. It is very difficult, and I know how guilty you can feel from it too. I wish you the best of luck overcoming this!!