Restarting my weight loss journey again

I am over 60, and have had weight issues my whole life. Right now I just want to have more stamina to go about my day. I am short and weight a bit over 270. Being older, fluffy, and not fit is really taking a toll. Needless to say I am taking control again bit by bit. I know mini goals help to achieve the big goals, but I will not look at the big ones right now. I also know I only do well with positivity. I have learned that slow improvement is better than no improvement.

1. Keep a positive attitude, even if my day has some glitches, tomorrow is always another day to try again. A few successful days are better than none.
2. Make my menu for the week, tweak as I go. If I binge eat, log I blew that moment so I can see what needs to be worked on.
3. Happy I have gone from snacking all day 2 weeks ago to only have once a day over snacking. Goal to have no moments of - over snacking in my day.
4. Walk every day. 2 weeks ago I could only walk past 2 mail boxes. Now I can walk to 3 1/2.
5. 2 weeks ago my daily step count was barely 3k, now I am over 4k, goal is to make it to 5k daily.
6. Include evening snacks on Friday & Saturday night. I am to old to not have some joy in my week. Know that no snacks at all for the week, makes me want to give up. So, embrace the twice a week snack.
7. Main goals - Weight loss (even if small decrease) - Keep Blood sugars in range - Build Stamina (even if small increase)


  • Sassyoncrn
    Sassyoncrn Posts: 3 Member
    You are doing great! I am so happy for you and I like that you set manageable goals for yourself. Success breeds success. Great job!
  • SBR1313
    SBR1313 Posts: 14 Member
    Your doing great so proud of you! I have the same goals and CW please add me we can support each other!
  • tishnicole45
    tishnicole45 Posts: 2 Member
    Great job! Keep inspired, that is what makes lasting changes