Suggestions on what to eat daily (want to eat same thing everyday)?

Rannoch3908 Posts: 177 Member
edited September 2022 in Health and Weight Loss
So I know what works for other people is lots of options - for me it is having the exact same thing every day and not diverging from my plan. If I know I had the same thing every day I know I didn't overeat, I know exactly what is coming up, I know I will be full.

MFP told me to reach by goal of 10lbs lost by my sons first birthday I need to eat 1700 calories a day.

I want everything to be STORE BOUGHT -- no prep work at home or cooking yet!


LUNCH (I love a big lunch so something that will FEEL big but not pack calories)
PM SNACK @ HOME (to hold me over till dinner)
DINNER (this will be cooked & will be different daily but always 600-700 calories and low carb as my wife is following a low carb lifestyle)


  • amberchen86
    amberchen86 Posts: 55 Member
    Breakfast and lunch : you can eat at Subway.lots of vegetables plus they tell you how many calories,grams of protein.
    Am Snack and Pm snack:protein bar,yogurt,beef jerky,fruit...
    Dinner: there are many recipes for 400 calories low carb dishes that you can find online or bookstore( you can have 2 dishes)and after that eat some fruits.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited September 2022

    Cook extra protein at dinner and have it for lunch with premade salad / bagged salad kits from the supermarket. (You'll need low fat dressing and to be mindful of portions of the dressing.) The veggies will meet your goal of feeling big but not packing calories.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    The OP is really specific and limited so this is for others also looking for shortcuts but willing to cook/prep a little.

    I love to cook but for the past 6 months have been probably been cooking at 10-25% of my usual due to a toxic shared kitchen situation.

    Rather than cooking raw chicken, I've been buying rotisserie chicken. I make a pot of rice. I have several varieties of canned beans on hand. I eat a lot of chicken, rice, and beans. I'll also put the chicken in a wrap.

    If one is willing to do a little cooking, there are myriad options for rotisserie chicken. Tonight we are having it with raviolis and green beans, which both take about 4 minutes to cook.
  • Rannoch3908
    Rannoch3908 Posts: 177 Member
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Frankly, I don't think you're going to get a big bunch of feedback here: You want to do an unusual thing, something most people don't have experience with. You want us to do the "figure it out" piece for you. On top of that, some of the things you ask about are very individual, such as which foods are filling.

    You can find some ideas by googling, using MFP search, or searching pinterest with phrases like "filling breakfast", "low calorie filling snacks" and that sort of thing.

    I usually like to help people here, but I don't consider eating the same thing daily to be a good plan nutritionally, so can't buy in. Diversity in diet is good for both well-rounded nutrition and for gut microbiome diversity.

    BREAKFAST SUGGESTIONS (to keep me full)

    For me, oatmeal with yogurt and berries works. Is that cooking? You can get single-serve cups of those things at the grocery store, on a "just add water" basis. Those "just add water" ones do tend to have more sugar, be less nutrient-dense, though.

    I also like peanut butter on Ezekiel pita with kefir on the side.


    String cheese, hard boiled eggs, hummus, single-serve packs of dry-roasted soybeans or chickpeas or broad beans, whole fruit, cottage cheese, jerky, tuna or chicken pouches.

    LUNCH (I love a big lunch so something that will FEEL big but not pack calories)

    Salads, available pre-made or at a salad bar (if that's easy enough). Be sure to get one with plenty of protein, or add tuna or chicken or eggs or something.

    AFTERNOON SNACK (at work)

    See morning snack.

    PM SNACK @ HOME (to hold me over till dinner)

    See morning snack. Also consider precut veggies, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers, or something like that, if you can afford the calories.

    DINNER (this will be cooked & will be different daily but always 600-700 calories and low carb as my wife is following a low carb lifestyle)[/quote]

    Personally, I'd have trouble eating 3 snacks and a filling breakfast/lunch at 1000-1100 calories, but that's just me. OTOH, I'm a not very big li'l ol' lady, so I wonder if someone larger and 100% more male can do that. Maybe. You'll need to experiment.
  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    I have the same breakfast and lunch pretty much every day:
    Breakfast - Greek Yogurt with frozen blueberries and 15g of protein powder
    Lunch - Store bought/prepared salad (they come in bowls here, delicious and super convenient) and 100g of deli sliced roast chicken breast.
    Dinner I cook from scratch, often things like fajitas, curry, chili, chicken and grilled veg etc etc
  • JulianaStar
    JulianaStar Posts: 2 Member
    I understand EXACTLY what you mean. I am the same way, as are more people than you think. To me, food is fuel. As long as I get the nutrients I need, I can eat the same thing everyday. I worked in restaurants all my life and never learned to cook. When I lived in Michigan, I used to go to a place called Western Market and they had really good tabbouli salad. The deli guy would take 6 containers and put 1/4 - 1/2 pound of tabbouli in each one. I would pick up some low fat plain yogurt and a package of fresh made pita bread from a local Lebanese bakery. I had a gas stove, so I would toss a piece of pita on the burner, flip it and put it on a plate. Put a half container tabbouli on it and a dab of yogurt, roll it up and have a Dole mixed fruit cup for "dessert" or some fresh berries. If I worked that day, I ate a cup of Lentil soup at work for lunch. I did that for 2 years. Sundays were Cashew Crusted Chicken salads from a local gourmet pizza place. It worked, I was never hungry and every now and than I would have a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie from the market.
    Not everyone can eat the same thing everyday but if you can, it sure simplifies your life.
    Unfortunately, I now live in another state in a rural area and am having trouble finding a healthy no fuss diet I can eat everyday.
    If you want to contact me, you can. Right now, I am living on frozen Healthy Choice and the like, but they are so expensive, not nutritionally healthy, and full of sodium and preservatives. I'm trying to find a healthier everyday meal.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    I have a porridge cup for breakfast with a coffee because my daughter makes it for me (due to medical conditions I struggle to function in the morning)

    Lunch I have a protein shake and 2 cheese strings

    Dinner is a protein, a carb and veggies

    Evening snack is a protein pudding from Aldi

    My family and I are very repetitive eaters, works for us

    But you will need to do a little math to see exactly what fits in your calories for the day