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Adding Foods To Database

I wasn't sure where to put this so I put it here.

My question is where do people get the information for food that you add to the database? I rejoined yesterday and I had to correct almost every item I was adding to my diary. If I don't have the items info I go to Woolies or Coles website and get the info from there. Woolies is the best one to go to.

If you are finding it hard to actually find the item you are after then maybe find one that is the closet and edit the info. When I edit something I add something to the end so that it's easier to find when I want to add it to my diary. Even then I have to scroll through to find the one I edited.

We all know that there are so many duplicates that it's not funny.

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  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,462 Member
    The database has been going for so many years that is is just chock full of wrong information, I double check everything and update. I use the Woolies and Coles sites too (hello, fellow Aussie!).

    Though even those sites aren't foolproof, I just noticed an anomaly on a Woolies item, and realised that when they put the nutritional info onto the site, they put the wrong serving size (put the serving as 100g when it should have been 75g, so the "serving size" kjs and the "per 100g kjs were different but looked like they should be the same). Luckily they have multiple pictures of the product and I could zoom in on the info on the label.